Air medical transport Lukavica – Banja Luka 18.11.2016.

Air medical transport Lukavica – Banja Luka 18.11.2016.

Air medical transport Sarajevo – Beograd 14.11.2016.

Air medical transport Sarajevo – Beograd 14.11.2016.

Air medical transport Sarajevo- Belgrade 14.11.2016.

Air medical transport Sarajevo- Belgrade 14.11.2016.

Air medical transport Banja Luka – Beograd 07.11.2016.

Air medical transport Banja Luka – Beograd 07.11.2016.

Air medical transport Banja Luka – Belgrade 07.11.2016.

Air medical transport Banja Luka – Belgrade 07.11.2016.

Participation of the team members of ” Air medical transport Service” at the VIII symposium, organized by the Department of Anesthesiology and Intensive Care of The Institute for Health Protection of Mother and Child of Serbia “Dr Vukan Cupic” – Belgrade, with theme: “Transport of neonates and pediatric patients”

On the 4th of November 2016, team members of the of Air medical transport Service, composed of four doctors in front of the University Clinical Center of the Republic of Srpska and one representative in front of the Helicopter service of the Republic of Srpska, took part in the VIII Symposium held at the Institute for Health Protection of Mother and Child of Serbia “Dr Vukan Cupic” with the theme “Transport of neonates and pediatric patients.”

During the symposium, several lectures  were presented  with particular emphasis on the transport of critically ill children in conditions outside the ICU and potential hazards that transport of this type of patients carries, regardless of the mode of transport is concerned, land or air. Because of the specific conditions of transportation of newborns and pediatric patients, emphasis was on the detailed organization of the transport process in order to eliminate or effectively resolve any emergencies or complications and to enable the treatment of patients in transport same as if the child is at the hospital.

Every hospital that receives critically ill children, newborns or pediatric trauma patients must have clear guidelines with defined team composition, equipment and all technical details that will ensure the safe transfer of the child inside and outside the hospital. The symposium presented the most advanced guides, experiences, dilemmas, and finally, the legal frameworks that oblige all those involved in the transport of the patient, whether it comes to external or internal transport.

A special honor was given to the Air medical transport Service members who gave a presentation on the organization of services of the Air medical transport of the Republic of Srpska, experiences from current practice, future plans and directions for development.

The symposium is accredited for physicians and medical technicians by the Health Council as a national symposium, under the number A-1-2198 / 16, and carries a 4 KME points for listeners.

Air medical transport Trebinje – Beograd 13.10.2016.

Air medical transport Trebinje – Beograd 13.10.2016.

Air medical transport Doboj – Banja Luka 04.10.2016.

Air medical transport Doboj – Banja Luka 04.10.2016.

Air medical transport Istočno Sarajevo – Banja Luka 24.09.2016.

Air medical transport Istočno Sarajevo – Banja Luka 24.09.2016.

Air medical transport Doboj – Banja Luka 20.09.2016.

Air medical transport Doboj – Banja Luka 20.09.2016.