Air medical transport Banja Luka – Beograd 22.02.2017

Air medical transport Banja Luka – Beograd 22.02.2017

Air medical transport Banja Luka – Tuzla 22.02.2017

Air medical transport Banja Luka – Tuzla 22.02.2017

Air medical transport Banja Luka – Beograd 07.01.2017

Air medical transport Banja Luka – Beograd 07.01.2017

Records of air medical evacuations for 2016

13.01.2016. Air medical transport Banja Luka – Belgrade  21.01.2016. Air medical transport Trebinje – Banja Luka  05.02.2015. Air medical transport Banja Luka – Belgrade  10.05.2016. Air medical transport Trebinje – Banja Luka  30.05.2016. Air medical transport Sarajevo – Banja Luka 04.07.2016. Air medical transport Trebinje – Banja Luka 18.07.2016. Air medical transport Banja Luka – […]

Representatives of HSRS attended course “EASA Part M for General Aviation (IR Part-M, Subpart F)”

Representatives of HSRS attended course “EASA Part M for General Aviation (IR Part-M, Subpart F)” which took place in Hoofddorp, Netherlands, from 19 to 20 December 2016 in the center of JAA TO (Joint Aviation Authorities Training Organization). The program included: the General EASA Part M and sub-sections related to maintenance organizations (Subpart F), the […]