Educational visit of students from the Technical School in Banja Luka and pupils from Elementary School “Jovan Ducic” – Zalužani to Helicopter service of the Republic of Srbska

On the June 3rd, 2015. members of the HsRS hosted students and teachers from Secondary Technical School in Banja Luka, the department of “Aviation – Traffic technicians”. On this occasion members of the HsRS presented the students of the I, II and III year, helicopters from it’s fleet and explained the purpose of helicopters, technical […]

During the period from 28th – 30th April 2015, members of the Helicopter service of the Republic of Srpska, participated at the “Areal Fire Fighting International Conference “, Zadar, Croatia.

During the period from 28th – 30th April 2015, members of the Helicopter service of the Republic of Srpska, participated at the “Areal Fire Fighting International Conference”, Zadar, Croatia. The conference presented the “recent developments in the field of international cooperation in fire protection management” by representatives of the International Fire Aviation Working Group “IFWG” […]

Live demonstration of the HsRS and Special police units, The 4th of April 2015.

On 4th of April 2015, the Police of the Republic of Srpska celebrated 23 years of existence and work. On this occasion, members of the Special police units with members of the Helicopter services of Republic Srpska performed live demonstration.

Air medical transport Ljubinje – Banja Luka 18.03.2015.