Exercise with members of the special unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Srpska
Exercise of the Special Police Unit of the RS
On 23.02.2015. members of the Special Police Unit in cooperation with the Helicopter service of the Republic of Srpska have performed demonstration exercise at the Zalužani sport airfield, Banja Luka.
Demonstration exercise is a result of the training, “Taking care of traumatic injuries in tactical situations” that was realized for the members of Special Police Unit by instructors of Team for civil-military support from the US Embassy in BiH with the support of ICITAP (International Criminal Investigative Training Assistance Program of the US Department of Justice).
Exercise was attended by Director of the Police of RS and officials of the US Embassy in BiH.
The training was successfully completed by 12 members of the Special Police Unit, which will allow saving human lives in critical situations, where it is not possible to provide full medical care.