Air medical transport Istočno Sarajevo – Banja Luka 30.05.2016.

Air medical transport Istočno Sarajevo – Banja Luka 30.05.2016.

Air medical transport Trebinje – Banja Luka 10.05.2016.

Air medical transport Trebinje – Banja Luka 10.05.2016.

Presentation of the “Garmin” radio – navigation equipment

On the March 11th 2016, the representatives of the HsRS attended the presentation of  the “Garmin” radio – navigation equipment at the airport “Lesce – Bled” in Slovenia. The presentation was organized by the company “Cirrus” from  Celje, Slovenia, which is also the official distributor of the “Garmin” equipment.

Presentation on the performance of VMT to medical stuff in OB Trebinje.

On the February 12th 2016 representatives  of the HsRS, with the physicians from the University Hospital  Banjaluka, conducted a presentation on the organization, functioning and the security procedures related to the planning and execution of air-medical transport.

Air medical transport Banja Luka – Beograd 05.02.2016.

Air medical transport Banja Luka – Beograd 05.02.2016.