Air medical transport Trebinje – Banja Luka 21.01.2016.

Records of air medical evacuations for 2015

05.01.2015. Air medical transport Bihac – Banja Luka 07.01.2015. Air medical transport Sarajevo – Belgrade  15.01.2015. Air medical transport East Sarajevo – Banja Luka  03.02.2015. Air medical transport Foca – Belgrade 22.02.2015. Air medical transport Banja Luka – Tuzla  18.03.2015. Air medical transport Ljubinje – Banja Luka  15.04.2015. Air medical transport Banja Luka – Belgrade […]

Air medical transport Tuzla – Banja Luka 25.12.2015.

Presentation on the performance of VMT to medical stuff in OB Kasindo and UB Foča.

To medical staff of OB Kasindo and UB Foča, presented the purpose and the factors that influence the planning and execution of the VMT , the medical indications and contraindications for performing VMT ‘s, organization and security procedures in the vicinity of the helicopter.